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A new travel experience with LINE

Fully support the end user's mobile experience using LIFF / LINE MINI App. It provides the appropriate functions for the end-user's situation, whether it is before, during, or after the trip.

With Tabi Mae, end users can start by selecting the best value tickets for their travel destination, and then complete the reservation and payment process. They can also purchase tickets for their travel companions in bulk and share them smoothly on LINE.

By visualizing travel routes and congestion at destinations, Tabi Naka can support a safe and secure travel experience based on infection control measures. For end users who can't follow the plan due to unplanned events or unexpected congestion, the system can provide a means to re-search access routes to the next destination by linking to external map sites or their own route search sites.

We can also support the end-user experience at Tabi Ato. It's possible to deliver valuable information to users who have once used the service with a LINE message, and use that message as a starting point for reservations and payments for the next service.

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View the demo

With LIFF, you can have a simulated travel experience using LINE. The PC version demo screen will be displayed. When you operate on the demo screen, a message will be delivered to LINE on your smartphone. Have your smartphone handy and enjoy.
Before using, please note that the MaaS demo app gets the profile information (user ID) of your LINE account. Your user ID will be stored on our server, but the stored data will be deleted every day. The demo screen may not be available in the in-app browser. Please use the latest version of Google Chrome or Safari.

To use the demo, visit the desktop version of the site.
You're planning a trip to take pictures. Let's start by purchasing a ticket.
Tap the button below to send a message to the chat room.
Follow the message to purchase a convenient and affordable round-trip pass.
You've started to move to your travel destination. Decide where you want to go according to your current mood.
Tap the button below to send a message to the chat room.
Follow the message to select your destination.
Enjoy the activities at your travel destination!
Tap the button below to send a message to the chat room.
Play until the last minute and pick up some souvenirs as you leave.
Tap the button below to send a message to the chat room.
Follow the message to buy souvenirs.
A month later... as I was thinking about my next travel destination, I received a notice and coupon for a fun summer event.
Tap the button below to send a message with a coupon to the chat room.


  1. 1. No need to download an app or deal with a complicated enrollment process
  2. 2. Complete the entire process from reservation to payment on LINE.
  3. 3. Know how crowded a tourist spot is and how to prevent infections
  4. 4. No complicated procedures are required and people can easily start using the service.
  5. 5. Expect the quick spread of information to other users
  6. 6. Messages can be delivered based on end users' operation and store visit history.

End-user benefits

MaaS End-user benefits No need to download the app or register as a member

No need to download an app or deal with a complicated enrollment process

There's no need to download or deal with complicated enrollment procedures to use the service. Also, there's no need to go through complicated procedures to receive tickets since you can get them via LINE messages.

MaaS End-user benefits Complete the entire process from reservation to payment on LINE.

Complete the entire process from reservation to payment on LINE.

From searching for a destination (sightseeing spot, etc.) to making a reservation and making a payment, you can complete everything with the LIFF app. You can use LINE Pay for payment.

MaaS End-user benefits Know how crowded a tourist spot is and how to prevent infections

Know how crowded a tourist spot is and how to prevent infections

To prevent infection, it's important to avoid going to crowded places as much as possible. You can check in advance the congestion of the public transportation you'll use and the destinations you'll visit. It's also easy to change your plans to avoid congestion.

Service provider benefits

MaaS Service provider benefits No complicated procedures are required and people can easily start using the service.

No complicated procedures are required and people can easily start using the service.

You can smoothly provide a new travel experience through LINE, which end users are familiar with and use on a daily basis.

MaaS Service provider benefits Expect the spread of information with a strong topic to impact society

Expect the quick spread of information to other users

Since LINE has a large number of users, since we can provide a great travel experience using LINE and let end users experience the benefits, we can expect the quick spread of information to reach other users.

MaaS Service provider benefits Messages can be delivered based on end users' operation and store visit history.

Messages can be delivered based on end users' operation and store visit history.

Based on the app's operation history, store visit history, and purchase history, various information can be delivered to end users via LINE messages, such as suggestions for new travel destinations or notifications of rare events at tourist spots.

Other MaaS LINE API Use Cases

Coming Soon...

Development use cases using LINE API

Development use cases using LINE API(ROOT COMMUNICATIONS, INC) AWS

Make your trip by Nishitetsu train more convenient with LINE.


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